The limitation period for actions arising from the insurance contract runs :
1° In the case of an action for payment of the premium, from the date on which payment is due ;
2° In respect of claims for damage, from the date of the event giving rise to the damage; in respect of goods, from the date of arrival of the ship, aircraft or other transport vehicle or, failing that, from the date on which it should have arrived or, if the event is later, from the date of that event;
3° In the case of an action for surrender, the date of the event giving rise to the right of surrender or, if a time limit has been set for the action, the date of expiry of that time limit;
4° Where the insured’s action is based on general average contribution or salvage remuneration, from the date of payment;
5° Where the insured’s action is based on recourse by a third party, from the date of the legal action against the insured;
6° For an action for recovery of any sum paid under the insurance contract, from the date of the undue payment.