When the offer of compensation is to be made to the victim’s heirs, spouse or the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 211-9, each of these persons must, at the insurer’s request, provide the following information:
1° Full name ;
2° Their date and place of birth;
3° The full name, date and place of birth of the victim;
4° His relationship to the victim;
5° His or her occupation and the address of his or her employer(s);
6° The amount of his or her income, with supporting evidence;
7° A description of the victim’s losses, in particular any expenses incurred as a result of the accident;
8° Her social security registration number and the address of the health insurance fund to which she is affiliated;
9° The list of third-party payers required to pay benefits and their addresses;
10° The place where correspondence should be sent.
At the insurer’s request, the same persons are also required to provide the information mentioned in article R. 211-37 which is necessary to draw up the offer.