The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for managing the establishment.
To this end, he has the following duties in particular:
1° He prepares and implements the budget;
2° He is the authorising officer for the institution’s revenue and expenditure;
3° He prepares and monitors the multi-annual performance contract;
4° He prepares and implements the decisions of the Board of Directors;
5° He submits the school’s internal regulations, academic regulations and disciplinary regulations to the Board of Directors for approval and ensures that they are implemented;
6° He has authority over all staff working in the school;
7° He/she appoints to all positions in the school for which no other authority has been given the power of appointment;
8° He/she is responsible for the smooth running of the institution and for security and exercises, in terms of maintaining law and order, the powers attributed to the university president under the conditions set out in article L. 712-2 of the Education Code ;
9° It concludes contracts, agreements and markets in compliance with the provisions of article R. 211-6.