In the case of a restricted invitation to tender, a procedure with negotiation or a competitive dialogue, the invitation shall include at least the following information:
1° The reference of the published invitation to tender;
2° The closing date for receipt of tenders, the address to which tenders must be sent and the language or languages authorised for their presentation. However, in the case of competitive dialogue, this information does not appear in the invitation to take part in the dialogue but in the invitation to submit a final tender;
3° In the case of competitive dialogue, the date and place of the dialogue and the language or languages used;
4° The list of documents to be supplied;
5° The weighting or ranking of the criteria for the award of the contract if this information does not appear in the consultation documents;
6° The address of the buyer profile on which the consultation documents have been made available to candidates. Where the consultation documents have not been made available on a buyer profile, for one of the reasons set out in articles R. 2132-12 and R. 2132-13, or by any other means, they shall be attached to the invitation.