When a framework agreement is concluded with several economic operators, the contracting authority organises an invitation to tender in accordance with the following procedure:
1° For each of the subsequent contracts, the contracting authority shall consult in writing the holders of the framework agreement or, where the framework agreement has been divided into lots, the holders of the lot corresponding to the subject of the subsequent contract;
2° The contracting authority shall set a sufficient period for the submission of tenders, taking into account factors such as the complexity of the services expected or the time required for the transmission of tenders;
3° Tenders shall be proposed in accordance with the characteristics set out in the framework agreement and the consultation documents specific to the subsequent contract. They shall be drawn up in writing and shall not be opened before the expiry of the period laid down for the submission of tenders;
4° The subsequent contract shall be awarded to the holder or holders of the framework agreement who have submitted the most economically advantageous tenders, on the basis of the award criteria set out in the framework agreement.
The framework agreement may provide that the award of certain subsequent contracts will not give rise to a reopening of competition where it appears that, for technical reasons, these contracts can only be awarded to a particular economic operator. This is particularly the case when no product, material or service can be substituted for the product, material or service to be acquired and only one of the holders is able to supply it.