For operations located on national territory, the artistic committee mentioned in article R. 2172-9 is made up of the following members:
1° The project owner or his representative, who chairs the committee;
2° The project manager;
3° The regional director of cultural affairs or his representative;
4° A representative of the users of the building;
5° Three people qualified in the field of the plastic arts:
a) One qualified person appointed by the project owner;
b) Two qualified persons appointed by the regional director of cultural affairs, including one chosen from a list drawn up by the professional artists’ organisations.
The regional director of cultural affairs or his representative is the rapporteur for the projects before the committee. The Regional Prefect may appoint a deputy rapporteur from a government department.
The committee chairman may invite a representative of the municipality in which the building is to be located to attend the committee’s work in an advisory capacity.