The anti-doping delegate appoints the escorts made available to the person in charge of the test. He may perform this function himself.
The person in charge of testing shall ensure that the escorts so appointed have undergone the training provided for in article R. 232-57. Failing this, the person in charge of testing may himself ensure the training of the escorts made available to him by the Anti-Doping Delegate.
If no escorts are made available and trained for this purpose, the person in charge of the test may decide either to proceed with the test or to cancel it if he considers that it cannot be carried out under the right conditions. In the latter case, a report is drawn up for the attention of the French Anti-Doping Agency, which may forward a copy to the sports federation or organiser concerned.
Chaperones may also be appointed by the person in charge of the test, by the French Anti-Doping Agency or by the body mentioned in the first paragraph of II of article L. 232-5.