The person being tested must be present during all testing operations.
The person in charge of the test immediately draws up a report of the conditions under which he/she carried out the sampling and screening operations.
Any observations that the person in charge of the test or the athlete tested wishes to make on the conditions under which the test was conducted are recorded in the report.
The tested athlete verifies the identity between the code numbers of the samples mentioned in 5° of article R. 232-51 and those recorded in the report. This verification is recorded in the report.
The athlete tested may specify on the report whether he or she has recently used a pharmaceutical speciality or undergone medical treatment.
The athlete must also mention:
-any therapeutic use exemptions ;
-any application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption;
-any other information in support of his statements.
The report is signed by the person in charge of the test and by the athlete. The athlete’s refusal to sign does not prevent samples from being sent for analysis.
The standard form for the report is drawn up by the French Anti-Doping Agency.