The committee is made up of three members. It includes the expert mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 232-67-10 or the head of the athlete passport management unit when the latter has not appointed this expert in application of the provisions of the last paragraph of article R. 232-67-10-1.
The other members are appointed by the head of the athlete passport management unit from the experts on the list drawn up in application of article R. 232-67-11.
For a haematological profile examination, the members must have expertise in clinical haematology, sports medicine or exercise physiology.
For a steroid profile examination, the committee must include people with knowledge of steroid laboratory analysis, steroid doping, steroid metabolisation or clinical endocrinology.
At the request of an expert or on the initiative of the manager of the athlete’s passport management unit, the committee may consult one or more other experts, who may or may not appear on the list referred to in article R. 232-67-11.