A consolidating company within the meaning of the first paragraph of article L. 232-5 carries out, when it exercises the option provided for in this article, restatements in accordance with the consolidation rules on the elements of the accounts of the companies it directly or indirectly controls.
These restatements may be carried out, for the application of the third paragraph of Article L. 232-5, under the responsibility of the consolidating company by the controlled companies.
For the application of this method, the company records separately, on the assets side of the balance sheet, the sum of the share of shareholders’ equity before allocation of net income, whether positive or negative, and the net amount of the unallocated difference on first consolidation.
The difference between this sum and the acquisition price of the shares is included in shareholders’ equity under an equity accounting difference item.
When this valuation method is applied for the first time, the provisions deducted from the value of the shares are transferred to the equity difference item.
If the equity difference becomes negative, an overall impairment of the portfolio is charged to the income statement.