When part of the communal public domain is made available to a public establishment for inter-communal cooperation or a mixed syndicate, under the conditions set out in article L. 1321-2 of this code, the commune, the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation or the mixed syndicate set, each insofar as it is concerned, the amount of the fees due for the occupation of the public domain that they manage by the works of the public energy transport and distribution networks or by the work sites on these works.
The amount of the fee mentioned in article R. 2333-105 set by each of the managers mentioned in the previous paragraph is then limited to an amount equal to the ceiling calculated under the conditions set by article R. 2333-105 of this code and multiplied by a coefficient equal to the ratio between the length of the public electricity transmission and distribution networks installed on their respective domains and the total length of these networks installed on the territory of the municipality. The amount of the fee referred to in article R. 2333-105-2 set by each of the managers concerned is limited to one fifth of the fee due to each of them for the permanent occupation of their respective domains by the works of the public electricity distribution networks.