The fees payable to communes, public establishments for inter-communal cooperation or mixed syndicates for the occupation of the public domain by all the works established by a private individual by virtue of road permissions or by all the works constituting a direct line within the meaning of the décret n° 2001-366 du 26 avril 2001 susvisé, établie en vertu de permissions de voirie, sont fixées par le conseil municipal, le conseil communautaire ou le comité syndical.
They take account of the duration of the occupation, the benefits derived by the licensee, the rental value of the site and the amounts of the fees set for the occupation of the public domain by the works of the public electricity transport and distribution networks.
The fees payable to communes, public establishments for inter-communal cooperation or mixed syndicates for the temporary occupation of their public domain by work sites on structures established by virtue of road permissions are set according to the methods mentioned in the two previous paragraphs.