At the request of at least one member of the commune section or the municipal council, the prefect, noting the absence of a union commission and the existence of a dispute in which the interests of the section conflict with those of the commune, shall determine the composition of the special union commission provided for in l’article L. 2411-8. This composition is published in the Recueil des actes administratifs of the departmental prefecture.
The special syndicate committee is made up of three members chosen by lot from the electors registered on the electoral roll of the commune, who are members of the section and have no interest in acting on their own behalf. One or more new lots may be drawn in the event of a refusal expressed by all or some of the voters initially designated.
The Prefect convenes the installation meeting of the special syndicate commission, during which a chairman is elected from among its members. The commission, which may validly deliberate when the majority of its members in office are present, takes its decisions by an absolute majority of the votes cast. The chairman has the casting vote in the event of a tie.
The special trade union committee may elect a vice-chairman who is empowered to replace the chairman who is absent or unable to carry out all his duties.