For the application of the last paragraph of article L. 2121-17 in its locally applicable wording, the municipal council shall designate by deliberation the rooms equipped with the teleconferencing system in the associated communes, ensuring that these places respect the principle of neutrality and guarantee the conditions of accessibility and safety mentioned in the last paragraph of Article L. 2121-7.
The public nature of deliberations and votes is ensured in rooms equipped with a teleconference system.
Teleconferencing takes place in accordance with the principle and conditions mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 2121-7. A municipal officer is present throughout the municipal council meeting and performs the duties of auxiliary to the municipal council secretary mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 2121-15. In this capacity, he records the entry and exit of the councillors present, as well as any powers they may have. He also ensures the technical operation of the teleconferencing system and any other tasks that may be requested of him by the meeting secretary.
The procedures for recording and storing debates are laid down by the municipal council in its rules of procedure for municipalities that have them or by deliberation for other municipalities.
When the Town Council is held by teleconference, this is mentioned on the notice of meeting mentioned in article L. 2121-10.
This document is published or posted at the town hall and at the annexed town halls of the associated communes.