I. – The military ports mentioned in article R. 3223-61 of the French Defence Code and the military airfields on a list drawn up by order of the Minister for Defence are points of entry subject to the provisions of this sub-section, subject to the provisions of this article.
II. – In the context of the implementation of the provisions of I, the duties of the Prefect defined in this sub-section are exercised by the Minister for Defence, subject to the provisions of III of this article.
As part of the implementation of I and for the application of this sub-section, the managers of points of entry are :
1° For a military airfield, the airfield manager ;
2° For a military port, the port director.
III. – The surveillance programme provided for in article R. 3115-11 and the contingency plan provided for in article R. 3115-12 take account, where applicable, of the presence of a military entry point.
In the case of military entry points, the monitoring programme and the contingency plan are defined jointly by the entry point manager and the Prefect. The Minister for Defence will issue an order specifying the procedures and resources required to draw up surveillance programmes and contingency plans.
The implementation of surveillance programmes and the contingency plan, as well as the exercises mentioned in III of article R. 3115-12, at military entry points are carried out under the authority of the Minister of Defence.
IV. – The manager of the military point of entry ensures that the agents responsible for providing emergency medical assistance have access to all the facilities at the point of entry.