Article R3115-6 of the French Public Health Code
Points of entry appearing on a list drawn up by order of the ministers responsible for the interior, health and transport are subject to the obligations set out in this sub-section.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part Three: Combating disease and addiction | Book I: Combating communicable diseases | Title I: Controlling epidemics and certain communicable diseases | Chapter V: Combating the international spread of diseases | Section 2: Health checks at entry points | Subsection 1: General provisions
Points of entry appearing on a list drawn up by order of the ministers responsible for the interior, health and transport are subject to the obligations set out in this sub-section.
The entry point managers are : 1° For an airport, the aerodrome operator ; 2° For a port, the delegate responsible for managing the main port facilities or, in the absence of a delegate, the port authority.
The manager of a point of entry keeps an up-to-date list of aircraft operators or ship agents or their representatives, and of legal entities providing services within this point of entry. This list is made available to the Prefect. The operator shall keep an up-to-date list of regular connections or routes from or to its point of entry. This list is made available to the Prefect. The operator appoints a…
The manager of a point of entry shall inform the service providers operating within its point of entry of the general hygiene rules defined in particular in Book III of Part One of this Code. The person responsible for the production or distribution of water for human consumption shall make available to aircraft operators or ship’s agents or their representatives, on request, the results of water quality analyses of its…
During an inspection carried out under the authority of the Prefect, the manager of a point of entry must make all the necessary documents available to the officials responsible for the inspection, and in particular the results of the analyses provided for in article R. 1321-23 and the documents for monitoring the water quality management system defined in article R. 1321-24 where this has been set up.
The Prefect, acting on a proposal from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, shall define the entomological surveillance and vector insect control programme within a perimeter of at least four hundred metres around the point of entry facilities used for operations involving travellers, means of transport, containers, cargo and postal parcels. The agents of the regional health agencies and bodies mentioned in article R. 3114-11 have access to…
I. – The Prefect draws up a public health emergency response plan for points of entry where there is a risk to public health. This plan is part of the national public health emergency action plan as provided for by the International Health Regulations (2005). It is based on the general provisions of the departmental civil protection response organisation plan. The public health emergency response plan defines the procedures for…
The manager of a point of entry shall ensure that any information relating to a health event meeting one of the criteria mentioned in Article R. 3115-68 is sent immediately to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency by the coordinator mentioned in Article R. 3115-8 .
I. – For airports listed in the order referred to in article R. 3115-6, the entry point manager ensures that emergency medical personnel have access to all the facilities at the entry point. It may also organise access to these facilities for a private medical transport service. II – For ports listed in the order referred to in article R. 3115-6, the operators of port facilities and the port manager,…
The manager of a point of entry identifies the premises which may be used for disinfection, disinsectisation or rodent control of a means of transport or goods being transported.
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