The credit agreement referred to in article L. 312-87 is written in type no smaller than eight-point type. It must state clearly and legibly:
1° The type of credit;
2° The identity and address of the contracting parties and, where applicable, the identity and address of the credit intermediary concerned;
3° The duration of the credit agreement;
4° The amount of the authorisation and the conditions for making it available;
5° The borrowing rate, the conditions applicable to this rate and, where applicable, any index or reference rate that relates to the initial borrowing rate, as well as the periods, conditions and procedures for adjusting the rate. If different borrowing rates apply depending on the circumstances, this information shall cover all applicable rates;
6° The annual percentage rate of charge and the total amount of credit owed by the borrower, calculated at the time the credit agreement is concluded; all assumptions used to calculate the annual percentage rate of charge shall be mentioned;
7° An indication that the borrower may be asked to repay the total amount of credit at any time;
8° The terms and conditions under which the borrower may terminate the agreement;
9° Information relating to charges applicable from the time the agreement is concluded and the conditions under which these charges may be amended where applicable. “