An undertaking whose authorisations have all been declared null and void pursuant to Article L. 321-10-2 shall submit to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution for approval, within one month of the date of publication in the Journal officiel de la République française of its last authorisation, a winding-up programme specifying in particular the foreseeable timescales and financial terms of the winding-up, as well as the staffing and material resources deployed to manage the residual commitments. Where the management of residual commitments is delegated to a third party, the draft delegation contract and a file describing the status of the delegatee and its managers, its organisation, its financial situation and the resources deployed shall be sent to the AMF, which may carry out any documentary and on-site inspections of the delegatee until the commitments have been fully settled.
If the AMF considers that the liquidation plan submitted by the company is not in the interests of policyholders, it will not approve it and may request that a new plan be submitted, within the timeframe and under the conditions it specifies.
If there is no winding-up plan, or if the plan submitted has not been approved, or if the undertaking does not comply with the approved plan, the AMF will take any measures it deems necessary, as provided for in Section 6 of Chapter II of Title I of Book VI of the Monetary and Financial Code; it may also use the sanctioning powers provided for in Section 7 of Chapter II of Title I of Book VI of the Monetary and Financial Code.