Where justified by the urgency of the situation, the Conseil des maisons de vente may, by reasoned decision, temporarily suspend the authorisation for partial access to the activities of voluntary sale of furniture by public auction for the reasons mentioned in article R. 321-71.
The decision to suspend shall be notified to the interested party by any means that confers a date certain upon its receipt.
The decision to suspend shall be notified to the interested party by any means that confers a date certain upon its receipt.
The interested party will be notified of the suspension decision by any means that confers a date of receipt.
Except in the case of criminal or disciplinary proceedings, the suspension may not exceed a period of four months.
Provisional suspension ceases when the reasons justifying it have disappeared.
The Conseil des maisons de vente shall record the end of the suspension, unless it results ipso jure from the end of the criminal or disciplinary proceedings.