1° Representing the entities in the network in dealings with the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution;
2° Approving the articles of association of the entities in the network and any amendments thereto;
3° Taking any measure conducive to the development of the network, in particular by acquiring or holding strategic equity interests;
4° Ensuring that the laws and regulations specific to the entities in the network are applied;
5° Ensuring that the reinsurance retrocessions of the entities in the group that it reinsures are sufficient to ensure their solvency and compliance with their commitments;
6° Organising audit and control missions within the network;
7° Setting the accounting instructions necessary for the preparation of the accounts of each entity and for the preparation of the consolidated and combined accounts of the network;
8° Defining the organisation of the internal control system and the risk management policy of the entities in the network.