The General Meeting appoints one or more statutory auditors for a term of six financial years.
The following persons may not be appointed as auditors of a company governed by this section
1° The founders and directors, members of the supervisory board or members of the management board of the company, as well as their parents and relatives up to and including the fourth degree;
2° Persons and spouses of persons who receive from those mentioned in 1° above or from the company a salary or remuneration of any kind for functions other than that of statutory auditor;
3° Companies in which one of the partners is in one of the situations described in 1° or 2° above.
Statutory auditors may not be appointed as directors, members of the supervisory board, members of the management board or managers of the companies they audit for less than five years after ceasing their duties. The same prohibition applies to the partners of a company of statutory auditors.