A creditor who is a party to the proceedings may, by way of intervention, claim interest due and costs and expenses liquidated or verified since the seizure.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title V: Protection of wages | Chapter II: Attachments and assignments | Section 2: Attachment of sums due by way of remuneration | Subsection 4: Multiple seizures | Article R3252-33 of the French Labour Code
A creditor who is a party to the proceedings may, by way of intervention, claim interest due and costs and expenses liquidated or verified since the seizure.
Un créancier partie à la procédure peut, par voie d’intervention, réclamer les intérêts échus et les frais et dépens liquidés ou vérifiés depuis la saisie.
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