The Commission nationale des titres-restaurant includes representatives of employers’ and employees’ organisations, restaurant owners’ and fruit and vegetable retailers’ unions, and companies whose main activity is issuing meal vouchers.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title VI: Miscellaneous benefits | Chapter II: Restaurant vouchers | Section 5: National Restaurant Vouchers Commission | Subsection 2: Organisation and operation | Article R3262-40 of the French Labour Code
The Commission nationale des titres-restaurant includes representatives of employers’ and employees’ organisations, restaurant owners’ and fruit and vegetable retailers’ unions, and companies whose main activity is issuing meal vouchers.
La Commission nationale des titres-restaurant comprend notamment des représentants des organisations représentatives d’employeurs et de salariés, des syndicats de restaurateurs et de détaillants de fruits et légumes, et des entreprises ayant pour activité principale l’émission de titres-restaurant.
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