For the application of article L. 3334-3:
1° The income taken into account is the last known reference tax income;
2° The average per capita income of all the départements is equal to the sum of the incomes of all the départements divided by the number of inhabitants making up the population of all these départements, as defined in the first paragraph of article L. 3334-2;
3° Real operating revenue refers to all operating income for the financial year resulting in real movements, as recorded in the management accounts. It is made up of income recorded in the income accounts, increased by the amounts shown in the expense mitigation accounts and reduced by the amounts recorded in the accounts showing the mitigation of income, the provision of personnel invoiced to the public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation for own tax purposes or to its member municipalities, and write-backs of depreciation and provisions, income from disposals of fixed assets, differences on negative realisations taken to the income statement, the share of investment subsidies transferred to the income statement, expense transfers, work carried out by third parties, extraordinary income from management operations, warrants cancelled or time-barred after four years, extraordinary subsidies, other extraordinary income and changes in inventories.