The provisions of article R. 334-15 concerning the minimum amount of the guarantee fund do not apply to mutual insurers and unions governed by Book II of the Mutual Code which :
a) either exclusively guarantee death benefits where the lump sum does not exceed 150% of the monthly social security ceiling or where these benefits are provided in kind ;
b) meet all of the following conditions:
-their articles of association provide for the possibility of making contribution reminders or benefit reductions. When the statutes of the mutual or union are amended in application of the fourth paragraph of article R. 212-9 of the Mutual Code, the participating member or the legal entity taking out the group contract has the right to cancel the membership form(s) and the group contract(s) taken out within one month of being notified of the amendments to the statutes of the mutual or union. In this case, the right of cancellation open to the participating member and the legal entity taking out the group contract entails the return by the mutual or association of the contribution portions relating to the period for which the risks are no longer covered;
-the amount of contributions issued, including ancillary benefits and cancellations deducted, does not exceed 5,000,000 euros annually.