The Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board sets the investment policy guidelines at least once a year. In particular, it decides on the procedures for selecting financial intermediaries, on asset-liability management, on asset quality and on transactions in forward financial instruments.
For this purpose, it relies on the solvency report referred to in article L. 336-1 which, in a separate section relating to investments, presents the results obtained for each portfolio and each category of investment, details the transactions referred to in articles R. 332-45 to R. 332-48 and carried out during the past period and sets, for these transactions, the limits to the market, counterparty and liquidity risks incurred on future transactions.
The Board of Directors or the Management Board may modify the limits referred to in the previous paragraph. In this case, it shall report these changes without delay to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution and in the next solvency report.