The Prefect is the competent State authority who may prescribe the implementation of one or more of the measures provided for in the second paragraph of III and IV of article L. 342-17 and, in the event of a persistent threat to safety, impose the suspension or cessation of operation of the ski lift or conveyor in question.
If the fault found in one installation is likely to be found in other technically similar installations, the Prefect may, after consulting the technical service for ski lifts and guided transport, order the suspension or shutdown of the installations concerned under the same conditions as those provided for in IV of the aforementioned article L. 342-17.
If the threat to safety is due to a defect in the operating safety management system or its implementation, the Prefect may suspend the operator’s activity at all or part of its installations.
If technically similar facilities are located in several départements, the Minister for Transport is the competent State authority referred to in III and IV of article L. 342-17.