The “equity risk” sub-module referred to in 4° of I of Article R. 352-6 calculated in accordance with the standard formula includes a symmetrical adjustment mechanism for the standard capital requirement for equities which serves to cover the risk arising from variations in the level of equity prices. It also takes into account the provisions of article R. 352-12.
The symmetric adjustment of the standard equity capital requirement, calibrated in accordance with III of Article R. 352-5, which covers the risk arising from changes in the level of share prices is a function of the current level of an appropriate share price index and the weighted average of this index. The weighted average is calculated over an appropriate period, which is the same for all insurance and reinsurance undertakings.
The symmetric adjustment to the standard equity capital charge to cover the risk arising from changes in the level of share prices may not result in the application of an equity capital charge which is more than ten percentage points higher or lower than the standard equity capital charge.
The methods for calculating this symmetric adjustment are specified in Article 172 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 of 10 October 2014.