I.-As regards asset and liability management, insurance and reinsurance undertakings regularly assess the sensitivity of their prudential technical provisions and own funds to the assumptions underlying the extrapolation of the relevant risk-free interest rate curve mentioned in Article R. 351-3.
II – Where the equalisation adjustment referred to in Article R. 351-4 is applied, undertakings shall regularly assess the sensitivity of their prudential technical provisions and eligible own funds to the assumptions underlying the calculation of the equalisation adjustment, including the calculation of the fundamental margin referred to in Article R. 351-5, and the potential effects of a forced sale of assets on their eligible own funds. They also assess the sensitivity of their prudential technical provisions and eligible own funds to changes in the composition of the assigned portfolio of assets and the consequences of reducing the equalisation adjustment to zero.
III – Where the volatility adjustment referred to in Article R. 351-6 is applied, undertakings shall regularly assess the sensitivity of their prudential technical provisions and eligible own funds to the assumptions underlying the calculation of the volatility adjustment and the potential consequences of a forced sale of assets on their eligible own funds, as well as the consequences of reducing the volatility adjustment to zero.
IV – Each year, undertakings shall submit the assessments referred to in I, II and III to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution as part of the reporting process referred to in Article L. 355-1. In the event that the effect of reducing the equalisation adjustment or the volatility adjustment to zero would be to fail to cover the Solvency Capital Requirement, the undertaking shall also submit an analysis of the measures it could take to restore the level of eligible own funds corresponding to the Solvency Capital Requirement or to reduce the risk profile in order to ensure compliance with the Solvency Capital Requirement.
V.-Where the volatility adjustment referred to in Article R. 351-6 is applied, the written risk management policy referred to in Article L. 354-1 defines the criteria for applying the volatility adjustment.