Where the participating undertaking or parent undertaking referred to in the second or third paragraph of Article L. 356-2 applies the option provided for in the fifth paragraph of Article L. 356-19, it shall send a translated version of the elements of the single document referred to in the seventh paragraph of Article L. 356-19 which correspond to any subsidiary of the group for which the supervisory authority of the Member State in which that subsidiary has its registered office so requires after first consulting the participating or parent undertaking, the college of supervisors and the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution in its capacity as group supervisor.
The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution may require that the elements of the single document mentioned in the seventh paragraph of Article L. 356-19 which correspond to a subsidiary undertaking subject to its supervision be sent to it in French, after having first consulted the participating or parent undertaking mentioned respectively in the second or third paragraph of Article L. 356-2, the college of supervisors and the group supervisor.