The Board of Directors defines the general policy of the agency through its deliberations, which relate in particular to the following matters:
1° The annual programme and report of activities;
2° The estimates of revenue and expenditure and amending decisions;
3° The agency’s social action activity report;
4° The financial account, and the report noting the existence of any surpluses;
5° The allocation of the surplus of the net accounting result after deduction, where applicable, of the dividend set by the Minister for the Economy and Finance, the Minister for the Budget and the Minister for Tourism in application ofarticle 79 of law no. 2001-1276 on the amending finance law for 2001, including the possible allocation of financial assistance to the State under the conditions set out inarticle 17 of the organic law no. 2001-692 of 1st August 2001 on finance laws;
6° The general conditions for granting the financial aid mentioned in articles L. 411-13 and L. 411-14;
7° General conditions for the conclusion and performance of contracts and agreements;
8° Transactions;
9° The creation of subsidiaries, participation in economic interest groupings, public interest groupings or associations, and the acquisition, extension or transfer of financial holdings;
10° Borrowing;
11° Acceptance or refusal of gifts and legacies;
12° plans for the purchase and sale of real estate and the creation of pledges and mortgages.
With regard to the matters mentioned in 8°, 10° and 12° above, the Board of Directors may delegate some of its powers to the Chief Executive Officer, under the conditions it determines. The Chief Executive Officer shall report to the next meeting of the Board of Directors on the decisions he has taken by virtue of these delegations.