When the health insurance funds have decided to exclude one or more members practising within the company from the agreement provided for in articles L. 162-5 or L. 162-9 of the Social Security Code, for breach of the undertakings provided for therein, one or more members practising their profession within the company and these members do not withdraw from the company, and if the other members fail, under the conditions provided for in the Articles of Association, to suspend the practice of these professionals within the company for the duration of the decision to remove them from the agreement, the company is automatically removed from the agreement on expiry of a period of two months from the date of the notification provided for in article R. 4113-22.
The provisions of the previous paragraph only apply in the event of a withdrawal of the agreement for a period of more than three months or in the event of a repeat of the breaches that led to the first withdrawal, regardless of the duration.