A member who has been banned directly or indirectly from practising medicine or dentistry or who has been banned temporarily from providing care to insured persons may be forced to withdraw from the company by a decision of the other members taken by the enhanced majority provided for in the Articles of Association, excluding members who have been sanctioned for the same or related acts. If the exclusion is not pronounced, the person concerned retains his status as a partner, but his share in the profits resulting from the application of the second paragraph of article R. 4113-48 is reduced in proportion to the duration of the period of prohibition.
A member struck off the roll or excluded from the company, in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph, transfers his shares under the conditions provided for in article R. 4113-54. With effect from the day on which the decision to strike him off the roll becomes final or the decision to exclude him is taken by the other members, he loses the rights attaching to his status as a member, with the exception of the remuneration relating to his capital contributions.