Without prejudice to the provisions which, pursuant to Articles 10 and 11 of Law no. 66-879 of 29 November 1966, the articles of association must include those which, by virtue of the articles 8, 14, 15, 19, 20 and 24 of the same law they may contain, concerning respectively the distribution of shares, the managers, the company name, the distribution of profits, company debts, transfers of company shares and the dissolution of the company and articles R. 422-6 et R. 422-7, the articles of association must state:
1° The surnames, first names, domicile of the partners, their marital status and, where applicable, the existence of clauses, deeds enforceable against third parties or decisions restricting the free disposal of their assets;
2° The title of each of the partners;
3° The duration for which the company is formed;
4° The address of the registered office;
5° The nature and separate valuation of each of the contributions made by the partners;
6° The amount of the share capital, the nominal amount, the number and the distribution of the shares representing this capital;
7° A statement that the contributions contributing to the formation of the share capital have been paid up in full or in part, as the case may be;
8° The majority required for the transfer or assignment of shares to third parties;
9° The amount of interest shares allocated to each contributor in kind;
10° The specific provisions set out in articles R. 422-20 et R. 422-21.