Unless one of its members and his or her alternate is disqualified on one of the grounds provided for in article L. 111-6 of the Code of Judicial Organisation, the Disciplinary Board may only sit and deliberate if all the members or their alternates are present.
The Board hears the rapporteur, who reads his report.
The chamber hears the rapporteur who reads out his report.
The author of the complaint or referral may be heard. The person being prosecuted has the last word. The author of the complaint or referral and the person being prosecuted may be assisted before the Chamber by a person of their choice.
The meetings of the Chamber are public.
Board meetings are public. However, the Chairman of the Chamber may, of his own motion or at the request of one of the parties, prohibit the public from entering the room during all or part of the session in the interests of public order or where this is justified by respect for privacy or business secrecy.