A provision is set aside in the accounts of the policyholders’ guarantee fund to record the contributions paid by member companies, the financial income generated by these contributions, and all other resources of the fund, after deduction of its management costs.
The amount of this provision is invested in :
1° Securities listed on a regulated market for financial instruments in a Member State of the European Union, excluding securities issued by a member company of the guarantee fund;
2° Securities issued or guaranteed by a Member State of the European Union;
3° Cash ;
4° Shares in open-ended investment companies (sociétés d’investissement à capital variable) and units in mutual funds (fonds communs de placement) exclusively holding assets covered by 1°, 2° and 3°, without securities issued by companies that are members of the guarantee fund being prohibited, provided that the total amount of these securities does not exceed 15% of the asset value of each of these collective investment undertakings.
Investments are recorded at purchase price and capital losses are provisioned on a line-by-line basis.
No more than 5% of the provision may be invested in securities issued by any one undertaking, with the exception of securities issued or guaranteed by a Member State of the European Union.
Liquid assets must at all times represent at least 20% of the fund’s assets.
The securities and liquid assets of the guarantee fund are deposited with credit institutions or investment firms duly authorised by a Member State of the European Union. None of these institutions or companies may hold more than 25% of the amount of the provision.
The fund’s accounts must make it possible to distinguish between the amount of contributions paid by member companies, the cumulative amount of financial income from contributions and the fund’s other resources.