Transactions relating, on the one hand, to compensation paid to insurance companies pursuant to the first paragraph of IV of article L. 313-20 of the Code de la construction et de l’habitation and, on the other hand, to rent and service charge guarantees for the benefit of lessors, mentioned in the second paragraph of the same IV, who do not take out insurance contracts against the risk of unpaid rent, are recorded in two accounting sections within the fonds de garantie universelle des risques locatifs mentioned in I of the same article L. 313-20.
Each of these sections tracks separately the accounts of the Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement, the State and each local authority, insurance company or landlord participating in the scheme. The annual accounts of each section take the form of a balance sheet, an income statement and notes to the accounts.
The accounts of each of these sections are certified by the auditor of the Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement as part of an assignment separate from the general audit assignment carried out for the Union. Movements between the State’s account within one section and the State’s account within the other section are carried out by the Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement at the joint written request of the Government’s auditors to the Union.