The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall carry out documentary and on-site inspections of the operations carried out by the Fonds de garantie universelle des risques locatifs. The Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement shall provide it, at its request, with any financial, accounting or statistical information relating to the operations mentioned in article R. 426-1. The supervisory authority sends its reports to the Union and to the Minister for the Economy, the Minister for the Budget and the Minister for Housing.
The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution may make a recommendation to the Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement concerning the management and operation of the fund. It shall also forward this recommendation to the Minister for the Economy, the Minister for the Budget and the Minister for Housing. The Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement shall, as soon as possible, place the examination of this recommendation on the agenda of its Supervisory Board. Within fifteen days of its adoption, it sends the corresponding resolution to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution and to the aforementioned ministers.