The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance is assisted in the management of the compensation fund by an advisory committee chaired by a magistrate of the Cour des Comptes with at least the rank of Senior Counsellor and made up of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance and three representatives of the State, one appointed by the Minister for the Economy and Finance, another by the Secretary of State for the Budget and the third by the Minister for Town Planning.
Five representatives of insurance companies appointed by the Minister for the Economy and Finance on the recommendation of the professional organisations of insurance companies and ten representatives of policyholders appointed by the Minister for Town Planning sit on the Committee, under the following conditions:
1° Six representatives proposed by professional building organisations, i.e. :
one for craft firms; – one for other firms
-one from other companies
two for designers, including one architect; – one for technical inspectors
-one for technical inspectors
-one representative of the manufacturers of materials referred to in article 1792-4 of the French Civil Code.
2° Four representatives of contracting authorities, two of whom are proposed by professional organisations of public and private contracting authorities and two by consumer organisations.