For the application of 1° of article L. 433-4, the Prefect assesses whether the foreign national has complied with the commitments made under the Republican Integration Contract, where one has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 413-2 and R. 413-2. It will ensure, in particular in the light of the information sent pursuant to articles R. 413-4, R. 413-11 and R. 413-14 by the Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (French Office for Immigration and Integration), that the foreign national is attending regularly and seriously the civic training referred to in article R. 413-12 and, where prescribed, all the language training referred to in article R. 413-13 as well as, in the case of language training, the foreign national’s progress at the end of the training in relation to the initial level assessed by the Office under the conditions laid down in articles R. 413-8 and R. 413-9.
The Prefect will also check that the foreign national has not demonstrated a rejection of the essential values of French society and the Republic in the light of the information available to him or which he is able to request from the relevant services.