I. – The technical and financial information provided for in 5° of I of Article L. 441-3-1 includes the following information:
1° The amount of the theoretical mathematical provision calculated at 31 December of the financial year ended ;
2° The amount of the technical provisions mentioned in 1° to 3° of article R. 441-7 at the same date;
3° The ratio between, on the one hand, the sum of the special technical provision and the net unrealised gains and losses on the assets allocated to the special technical provision and, on the other hand, the theoretical mathematical provision on that same date and on the closing date of the nine financial years preceding it, without including the financial years closed before 1 January 2017;
4° A clear and unambiguous explanation of whether, in the light of the conditions set out in the agreement, in application of Article L. 441-2, a reduction in the service value of the agreement is likely to be applied in the next twelve months, on what terms and in what proportion;
5° The change in the service value over the last five financial years and its cumulative change over this period.
II. – The policyholder may decide to include the information mentioned in I on its website and make specific reference to it in the annual communication it provides to all members pursuant to article L. 441-3-1.
III. – When the insurance undertaking or the supplementary occupational pension fund includes the information mentioned in I in its report on solvency and financial situation, the policyholder may refer specifically to the latter in the annual communication that it provides to all members pursuant to Article L. 441-3-1.
For agreements covered by Chapter III of Title IV of Book I for which the insurance undertaking or the supplementary occupational pension fund draws up a report, pursuant to Article L. 143-2-2, and includes in it the information mentioned in I, or for agreements covered by Article L. 144-2 for which the insurance undertaking draws up a report, pursuant to III of Article L. 144-2, and includes in it the information mentioned in I, the policyholder may refer specifically to the latter report in his annual communication.