I.-At least thirty days before the date on which work is due to start on a given operation, as referred to in 4° of Article R. 4412-133, the employer shall send the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan, using the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform referred to in the same article, to the following departments:
-the labour inspector responsible for the area in which the planned work is to be carried out;
-to the social security bodies and, where applicable, to the professional prevention body for building and public works, which will forward it to the competent officer or department.
In the event of work justified by an emergency situation linked to a disaster, the employer may transmit the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan via the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform at least eight days before the date on which the work is due to start, as referred to in 4° of article R. 4412-133.
Transmission by the employer under the first or fourth paragraph gives rise to a time-stamping of the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan, which triggers the thirty-day or eight-day deadlines referred to in the first and fifth paragraphs respectively.
II – The demolition, removal or encapsulation plan is sent to the relevant certification body(ies) via the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform.