The members of the first college of the sites council are appointed by the Prefect of Corsica.
The members of the second college are appointed by the President of the Executive Council of Corsica.
The members of the third college are appointed as follows:
1° The Prefect of Corsica and the President of the Executive Council each appoint one of the qualified individuals mentioned in a of 3° of Article R. 4421-2. They also each appoint a representative of the associations mentioned in b of 3° of the same article;
2° The Prefect of Corsica appoints the members mentioned in a and b of article R. 4421-3. The President of the Corsican Executive Council appoints the members mentioned in b, c and e of the same article;
3° The Corsican Prefect appoints the qualified personality mentioned in a and one of the two members mentioned in b of 3° of Article R. 4421-4. The president of the executive council appoints the member mentioned in c and one of the two members mentioned in b of 3° of the same article;
4° The prefect of Corsica appoints two of the qualified personalities mentioned in a of 3° of article R. 4421-5, including an architect and the curator of antiquities and objets d’art. The President of the Executive Council appoints the other two qualified persons. They each appoint two of the representatives of the associations or foundations mentioned in b of 3° of the same article.