Information concerning the health of workers is either kept within the prevention and occupational health services which collected it, or deposited by these establishments with a hosting organisation in compliance with the provisions of article L. 1111-8 of the Public Health Code.
The occupational health and prevention service ensures that all measures are taken to ensure the confidentiality of the information thus stored or hosted.
The occupational health medical record referred to in Article L. 4624-8 is kept for a period of forty years from the date of the holder’s last visit or examination within the prevention and occupational health service concerned, subject to a maximum period of ten years from the date of death of the person holding the record. These time limits are suspended by the lodging of any informal or contentious appeal aimed at calling into question the medical responsibility of the service or of health professionals due to their interventions within the service.
By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, when the period of retention of an occupational health medical record should end before the period mentioned in articles R. 4412-55, R. 4426-9 and R. 4451-83, the retention of the record is extended until the deadlines provided for by these articles.