The agreement provides that, each year, the company shall declare to the authority signing the agreement the number of employees, broken down by age, who are likely to join the scheme during the year following that in which the declaration is drawn up. This declaration may not be modified.
The replacement income paid to the employee may not be partially covered by the State if the interested party’s participation is not provided for in the declaration referred to in the first paragraph.
The agreement also stipulates that each year the company must send the authority signing the agreement a report on the fulfilment of the commitments it has made in the company agreement as well as a report specifying the number of beneficiaries who have actually opted for the scheme.
The agreement stipulates that, during the period provided for in 6° of article R. 5123-23, the company undertakes not to apply for any agreement for the allocation of the special allowance for older workers provided for in article R. 5123-12.