I.-The allowance mentioned in article L. 5131-6 cannot be combined with the active solidarity income mentioned in article L. 262-1 du code de l’action sociale et des familles, except for the dependents mentioned in article R. 262-3 of the same code. Beneficiaries of the active solidarity income and their spouse, cohabitee or partner in a civil solidarity pact who have signed a youth commitment contract within the framework set out in article R. 5131-6 do not benefit from the allowance provided for in article L. 5131-6.
II – The allowance referred to in article L. 5131-6 cannot be combined with the activity allowance referred to inarticle L. 841-1 of the Social Security Code, except for the dependents referred to inarticle R. 842-3 of the same code. However, where entitlement to the activity allowance is based on activity prior to the first month of benefit, the allowance may be combined with the allowance corresponding to this period of activity. Payment of the allowance ceases, where applicable, when entitlement to the activity allowance begins.
III.The following remuneration, allowances and indemnities cannot be cumulated with the allowance mentioned in article L. 5131-6 and, where applicable, payment of the allowance is suspended during the period in which the young person receives these benefits:
1° Remuneration received as part of a voluntary service in the armed forces mentioned inarticle L. 4132-11 of the Defence Code ;
2° Remuneration received as part of the voluntary military service referred to inarticle 32 of law no. 2018-607 of 13 July 2018 relating to military programming for the years 2019 to 2025 and containing various provisions concerning defence;
3° Remuneration received as part of the adapted military service referred to inarticle 17 of decree no. 2008-955 of 12 September 2008 relating to military voluntary service;
4° The allowance received as part of the civic service referred to in articles R. 121-23 and R. 121-24 of the National Service Code;
5° The allowance provided for by decree no. 2005-888 of 2 August 2005 relating to the allowance paid to volunteers for integration and the bonus paid to volunteers for integration and volunteers for a service contract in a public defence integration establishment;
6° Remuneration received under a fixed-term contract concluded in application of the provisions of Articles L. 5132-5, L. 5132-11-1 and L. 5132-15-1 of this Code, a mission contract mentioned in Article L. 5132-6 or a single integration contract mentioned in Article L. 5134-19-3.