I.-The allowance referred to in article L. 5131-6 is, in the name and on behalf of the State, allocated by the representative of Pôle emploi or the local mission and paid monthly by Pôle emploi or by the Agence de services et de paiement for young people monitored by local missions. It is payable for the calendar month in which the employment contract is signed and for the calendar month in which entitlement to the allowance expires.
II – Beneficiaries have three months in which to submit the supporting documents needed to prove their eligibility and determine the amount of the allowance referred to in article L. 5131-6. Failure to submit the supporting documents within this time limit will result in the definitive non-payment of any amounts due in respect of an earlier period of three months from receipt of the complete application.
By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, the legal representative of the local mission or Pôle emploi may take a decision to pay the allowance mentioned in article L. 5131-6 as a precautionary measure, for a maximum period of three months, for young people who demonstrate that they meet the eligibility conditions mentioned in the same article without having all the supporting documents needed to prove this. Amounts paid in this context are definitively forfeited to the beneficiary.
III -Pôle emploi and the Agence des services et de paiement will send the Minister for Employment and the Minister for Public Accounts the information required for statistical monitoring of the beneficiaries of the allowance, for knowledge of the credits committed and for evaluation of the measure.