A person who has benefited from a pathway to integration through economic activity is not eligible for a new pathway within two years of the end of their previous pathway or, if the pathway has been terminated under the conditions set out in the last paragraph of article R. 5132-1-3, within two years of the start of the suspension of their previous pathway.
By way of derogation, after examining the situation of the person concerned, one of the prescribers mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 5132-3 may prescribe a new pathway within two years of the end of the last pathway, on its own initiative or at the request of the structure for integration through economic activity which employs the person concerned or wishes to employ him/her.
The request from the integration structure referred to in the previous paragraph is made after examining the person’s employment situation, the support and training actions carried out during the initial period of the programme and the new actions envisaged. Any refusal by a prescriber must be justified in writing and notified to the structure and the person concerned by any means that provides a date certain for receipt of this notification.