The committee comprises the following members
1° Three representatives of the Minister for the Economy, including one member of the Inspectorate General of Finance;
2° Two representatives of the Minister for Employment, including one member of the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs;
3° One representative of the Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;
4° A representative of the Minister for the Solidarity Economy;
5° A representative of the Minister for Industry;
6° A representative of the Minister responsible for regional planning;
7° A representative of the Minister for Defence;
8° Two representatives of credit institutions and finance companies;
9° Two qualified individuals.
The members of the committee are appointed by order of the Minister for the Economy for a period of five years. This order appoints an alternate for each full member. The members mentioned in 2° to 7° are appointed on the recommendation of the Minister concerned, and the members mentioned in 8° on the recommendation of the Association française des établissements de crédit et des entreprises d’investissement and the Fédération bancaire française.
The Chairman of the Committee is appointed from among its members by order of the Minister for the Economy.
The secretariat of the Committee is provided by the departments of the Minister for the Economy.
The Committee meets at least twice a year, convened by its Chairman, who sets the agenda. Meetings are not open to the public.
Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
The Committee draws up its own rules of procedure.
The members of the Committee and the persons who contribute to its activities are bound by professional secrecy with regard to information that comes to their knowledge in the course of their duties. All members of the Committee shall refrain from deliberating if they have or have had a direct personal interest in the company on which the Committee is called upon to take a decision.