The transfer for consideration to a natural person or the inter vivos transfer for no consideration of the affected assets, the transfer to a sole trader or a legal entity of these assets or their contribution to a company are published in the month of their date at the request of the transferor, donor or contributor, in the form of a notice in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales.
This notice contains the following information:
1° With regard to the transferor, donor or contributor as well as the transferee or donee, natural persons: the surname, usual name, forenames, if applicable business or professional name, the purpose of the professional activity to which the assets are assigned, the address of the main establishment where this activity is carried out or, in the absence of an establishment, the address of the residential premises where the business is fixed, the register in which the declaration of assignment mentioned in l’article L. 526-7 and the unique company identification number issued in accordance with article D. 123-235 ;
2° In the case of the transferee or the transferee of the contribution, legal entities: the corporate name or name followed, where applicable, by the acronym, the form, the address of the registered office, the amount of the capital and the unique identification number of the company issued in accordance with article D. 123-235, as well as a descriptive statement indicating the value of the assets, liabilities and securities making up the affected assets, updated to the date of the close of the last accounting period, drawn up in the forms provided for by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister for the Economy;
3° The date and place of filing of the declarations mentioned in II of l’article L. 526-17.
The notice provided for in this article is drawn up and sent either by the registrar in the event that the transferor, donor or contributor is registered in the Trade and Companies Register, the Special Register of Commercial Agents or the Special Register of Sole Proprietorships with Limited Liability, or by the president of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts in the event that the transferor, donor or contributor is registered in the National Register of Companies as a business in the trades and crafts sector.